2,000 Club
The Old Schools
To Read Inductee Bios
Read bios of Hall of Fame members inducted in the Class of 2010 through the Class of 2018 below. To read bios of Hall of Fame members inducted in later years go to Banquet Program on the right-hand side of this website.
2018 Inductees
Dick Baun
John Bertolero
Howard Bich
Frank Brost
John Diefendorf
Lisa (Kurtenbach) Glanzer
Chad Greenway
Cary Hornaman
Mandy Kappel
Dona Ray-Reed
Jared Reiner
Harvey Schaefer
Louis Tyon
2017 Inductees
Joe Ashley
Ron Bertsch
SuAnne Big Crow
Jerry Buri
Kriss Edwards
Gary Evjen
Terry Jordre
John Lillibridge
Guy Mackner
Donna Muir
Ann Pancoast
Jim Schmidt
Mike Sisk
2016 Inductees
Holly (Sivesind) Borchers
Elton Byre
Amy (Allard) Carmody
Conrad Collin
Roger Faber
Melissa (Olson) Guebert
Dale Hall
Maury Haugland
Fred Hecker
Steve Jansa
Matt Jones
Bob Marske
Chris Miller
Scott Morgan
Josh Mueller
Wayne Rasmussen
Rudy Soderquist
Lolly Steele
Harley Zephier Sr.
2015 Inductees
Carla Allard-Watson
Amy Burnett
Lee Colburn
Katie Dailey
Jim Dyer
John Eidsness
Mike Freier
Ray Hamann
Chuck Iverson
Jimmy Lovley
Jim Mitchell
Marv Rasmussen
Julie (Jensen) Rozell
John Sivesind
Jim Tays
Vince Whipple
2014 Inductees
Bart Friedrick
Colleen Moran
Denver Ten Broek
DuWayne Groos
Gerhardt “G.E.” Buenning
Kris (Holwerda) Woerner
Lien Marso
Lori (Wohlleber) O’Farrell
Luther Hippe
Mandy Koupal
Mark Tetzlaff
Richard “Milt” Authier
Phil Miedema
Rich Andrzejewski
Steve Hammer
Willie White
Julie (Harmacek) Bridge
2013 Inductees
Amy Mickelson
Carol (Freeman) Galbraith
Chad Nelson
Chris Divich
Chuck Welke Jr.
Clyde Hagen
Garney Henley
Gerald Lund
Jim Schlekeway
Kent Hyde
Marty Waukazoo
Mike Miller
Renee Ruesink
Scott Bosanko
Wayne Stone
Wendy Swanhorst
2012 Inductees
Barry Glanzer
Bob Stewart
Courtney (Stapp) Pool
Dana (Nielsen) Honner
Eric Kline
Greg Hansen
Jack Theeler
Jason Sutherland
Jesse Mendoza
Karla Stevenson
LaMoine Torgerson
Myron Moen
Randy Fletcher
Randy Jencks
Taran Stapp
Tom Orton
2011 Inductees
Alan Miller
Gordon Fosness
Harry Carleton
Jerry Wingen
Jim Sutton
Roger Nelson
Terry DuPris
Terry Slattery
Tom Malchow
Harley Petersen
Rick Nissen
Renae Sallquist
Kim Templeton
JoElle (Byre) Benson
Diane (Hiemstra) Gabriel
Cathy (Coyle) Grubb
2010 Inductees
Becky Hammon
Becky (Flynn) Jensen
Bob Swanhorst
Bruce Bad Moccasin
Don Jacobsen
Lisa Van Goor
Gene Smith
Harold Thune
Jim Iverson
John Thomas
Lance Luitjens
Max Gonzenbach
Rex Swett
Robin (Anderson) Thormodsgaard
Rod Merriam
Steve Brown
Tom McGrann
Our Donors
2012 Inductees
Now taking submissions.
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